Glanis Changachirere: Championing Women’s Rights in Zimbabwe

Glanis Changachirere, a distinguished Zimbabwean feminist, human rights advocate, and scholar, has dedicated her life to promoting gender equality and empowering young women in her community. Born in 1983 in the Mashonaland Central Province, Changachirere faced significant financial challenges and societal pressures that urged her to prioritize her education. Despite these adversities, she demonstrated exceptional leadership skills by becoming the only female member of her school’s Student Representatives’ Council. This early involvement in student governance highlighted her commitment to activism and social change.

In 2009, at the young age of 26, Changachirere took a significant step by founding the Institute for Young Women’s Development (IYWD) in Zimbabwe. This grassroots organization is deeply committed to fostering leadership skills and promoting the progress of women and girls in various spheres of society. The IYWD specifically focuses on combating gender-based violence, tackling issues related to underage marriage, and challenging entrenched patriarchal traditions. By advocating for the active participation of women in the realm of public policy and governance, Changachirere and her team at IYWD are working tirelessly to bring about positive change in Zimbabwe. Despite her noble efforts, Changachirere has faced numerous challenges along the way. She has bravely stood up against threats of violence and intimidation, all stemming from her unyielding dedication to achieving gender equality and empowering women. These obstacles have only strengthened her resolve and underscored the importance of the work being done by the IYWD.

Through various educational programs and initiatives, the International Youth for Women’s Development (IYWD) has made a significant impact on the lives of more than 350,000 women, with a particular focus on those residing in rural areas and mining communities. By partnering with reputable national organizations such as Women and Law in Southern Africa (WLSA) and the Zimbabwe Gender Commission (ZGC), the IYWD has been at the forefront of advocating for legislative changes that benefit women. One notable example is the Model Gender Equality Bill (MGEB), a groundbreaking piece of legislation aimed at ensuring gender equality and the protection of women’s rights. The collaboration between IYWD, WLSA, and ZGC has led to the successful implementation of the MGEB in various regions, setting a precedent for other countries to follow suit. This bill not only promotes equal representation for women in decision-making processes but also serves as a safeguard against discrimination and gender-based violence.

Changachirere’s remarkable contributions have garnered widespread recognition on a global scale. Among the prestigious accolades she has received are the esteemed 30 Under 30 Democracy Award, highlighting her exceptional work in promoting democratic values and practices among the youth. Additionally, she was honored with the Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellowship, a highly competitive program that supports emerging leaders in the field of democracy promotion and human rights advocacy. Moreover, Changachirere’s dedication to advancing her knowledge and skills is evident through her receipt of the Chevening Scholarship, a prestigious award that enabled her to pursue further education and expand her expertise in governance and international relations. Her commitment to excellence was also acknowledged with the Communications and Social Media Award from St. Francis Xavier University, recognizing her innovative use of digital platforms to amplify important social and political messages.

Furthermore, Changachirere’s profound impact extends beyond individual accolades, as she actively engages in global initiatives such as the World Movement for Democracy. By collaborating with like-minded advocates from around the world, she contributes to the collective effort of strengthening democratic institutions and promoting civic participation on a global scale. Additionally, her involvement in the Zimbabwean chapter of the African Women Leaders Network underscores her commitment to empowering women in leadership roles and advancing gender equality in her home country and beyond.
