Kumi Naidoo: A Life of Activism, Doggedness, and Global Leadership

Kumi Naidoo’s journey from a South African teenager defying apartheid to a global advocate for justice and environmental sustainability is one of unwavering commitment to change. Born in Durban, South Africa, Kumi’s activism began at just 15, when he organized school boycotts against apartheid’s oppressive education system. His actions drew the ire of the regime, leading to his exile in the United Kingdom, where he remained until the country’s liberation in 1990.

Returning to South Africa, Kumi played a significant role in the African National Congress’ legalization in KwaZulu Natal and served as the official spokesperson for the Independent Electoral Commission during South Africa’s first democratic elections in 1994. His dedication to justice extended to the global stage, where he broke barriers as the first leader from the global South to helm Greenpeace International from 2009 to 2016. Later, he served as Secretary General of Amnesty International, championing human rights worldwide.

Beyond leadership roles, Kumi is deeply engaged in education and mentorship. He has lectured at institutions like Fossil Free University, Stanford University, and the Thunderbird School of Global Management. His academic pursuits are complemented by his work as a Global Ambassador for Africans Rising for Justice, Peace, and Dignity and as a Visiting Fellow at Oxford University. His current roles also include Senior Advisor for the Community Arts Network and Honorary Fellow at Magdalen College.

In honor of his late son and renowned rapper Rikhado “Riky Rick” Makhado, Kumi’s family established the Riky Rick Foundation for the Promotion of Artivism. The foundation promotes the intersection of art and activism while addressing mental health challenges in South Africa.

Kumi’s doggedness is evident not just in his activism but also in his personal journey of healing. His memoir, Letters to My Mother (2022), reflects his experiences and has earned critical acclaim, including the HSS 2023 Non-Fiction Award. Recently appointed President of the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative, Kumi continues to lead efforts to address the climate crisis, emphasizing the interconnectedness of justice, sustainability, and global well-being.
