In a powerful display of unity, over 800 Black artists have come together to support Francesca Amewudah-Rivers, who is set to star in the upcoming production of “Romeo & Juliet.” Spearheaded by British actor Susan Wokoma and writer Somalia Nonyé Seaton, this collective condemnation addresses the disturbing wave of racist and misogynistic abuse directed at Amewudah-Rivers following her casting announcement.

Amewudah-Rivers, poised to share the stage with Tom Holland in the Jamie Lloyd Company’s rendition of Shakespeare’s classic, faced a stark divide in reactions on social media. While some expressed enthusiasm and pride, others unleashed a torrent of hateful comments, denouncing her casting and resorting to racial slurs.

The Jamie Lloyd Company swiftly denounced the reprehensible online abuse, reaffirming their support for their cast members and their commitment to combatting such behavior. However, Tuesday’s open letter serves as a stark reminder of the systemic challenges faced by Black actors in the entertainment industry, particularly Black women.

The letter not only stands in solidarity with Amewudah-Rivers but also calls upon production companies to take proactive measures in protecting their talent and addressing online abuse. It highlights the disproportionate burden placed on victims of abuse, who are often expected to endure and even promote their projects despite facing relentless harassment.

Moreover, the letter underscores the prevalence of misogynoir, a toxic intersection of racism and misogyny, experienced by Black women in the industry. It concludes with a message of empowerment and resilience, urging Amewudah-Rivers to find joy in her role and reminding her detractors that their efforts to silence Black voices will ultimately fail.

As “Romeo & Juliet” prepares for its 12-week run in London, directed by Lloyd, this outpouring of support serves to the solidarity of Black artists in the face of adversity. It is a reminder that despite the challenges, they are here to stay, unapologetically claiming their rightful place on stage and in the spotlight.