Nigerian Entrepreneur Clara Chizoba Kronborg Sets New Record for Longest Interviewing Marathon, Inspiring Millions

Nigerian social media entrepreneur Clara Chizoba Kronborg has made history by breaking the world record for the longest interviewing marathon with an astounding time of 55 hours and 24 seconds. The previous record of 37 hours and 44 minutes, set by Rob Oliver (USA) in 2022, now seems a distant memory as Clara shattered it by nearly 18 hours. Clara, who hosts a popular talk show on YouTube, interviewed 90 people from various backgrounds, including politicians, business owners, content creators, actors, real estate agents, and many others. Each conversation delved into the guest’s unique journey to success, a topic close to Clara’s heart.

Clara’s passion for exploring the concept of success stems from her humble upbringing in Onitsha, Nigeria. Growing up in relative poverty, she developed a deep-seated curiosity about how people from different walks of life managed to overcome obstacles and achieve their dreams. This fascination eventually led her to create her YouTube talk show, which has since garnered a significant following. Her record-setting marathon was an extension of this passion, providing a platform for diverse stories of triumph and perseverance.

The record attempt took place on a docked yacht in the Spanish city of Marbella, where Clara currently resides. Despite the usually sunny location, a heavy rainstorm struck during the event, adding to the challenges Clara faced. Nevertheless, she pressed on, interviewing her guests with the same level of enthusiasm and energy that has become her trademark. Clara’s resilience and ability to adapt under pressure impressed not only her audience but also the officials from Guinness World Records who were on hand to document the achievement.

To comply with the stringent rules of the record attempt, Clara was allowed five minutes of rest time for every hour of interviewing. During these breaks, she could nap, change her clothes, or use the bathroom. This strict schedule required Clara to be incredibly disciplined, as even a slight deviation could jeopardize her record attempt. To manage the high volume of water she consumed to stay hydrated, Clara wore adult diapers throughout the event, showcasing her unwavering commitment to achieving her goal.

Her journey from Onitsha to Marbella, and now into the Guinness World Records, serves as an encouragement to continue her work, sharing more stories of success and encouraging others to chase their dreams, no matter where they start.
