Shaping the Future of Healthcare Technology: Meet Kemisola Bolarinwa – The Pioneering Robotics Engineer Who Invented Smart Bra

In the world of robotics and healthcare technology, one name stands out as a beacon of innovation and hope: Kemisola Bolarinwa. With her exceptional expertise in robotics and embedded systems, coupled with an unwavering commitment to solving complex problems, Bolarinwa has emerged as a true visionary and trailblazer in her field.

From an early age, Bolarinwa’s passion for engineering and technology was evident. It was during a high school competition where she and a friend created a transistor radio that her innate talent for innovation first shone through. Since then, she has dedicated herself to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the realm of technology.

After completing her secondary education, Bolarinwa pursued a degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering at the University of Ado-Ekiti. While her formal education provided a solid foundation, it was her insatiable curiosity and determination to learn that propelled her towards becoming a true expert in her field. Through countless hours of self-study and practical application, she honed her skills as a robotics and embedded system engineer.

Bolarinwa’s journey towards revolutionizing breast cancer detection was born out of a deeply personal experience. In 2017, she tragically lost one of her beloved aunts to breast cancer. This heartbreaking loss ignited a fire within her to find a solution that could detect breast cancer at its earliest stages and potentially save lives.

Driven by this mission, Bolarinwa assembled a team of brilliant minds from various disciplines, including femwear specialists, IT experts, embedding hardware specialists, AI specialists, software developers, and an oncologist. Together, they embarked on a journey to develop a groundbreaking solution that could combat the challenges associated with late-stage breast cancer detection.

After years of tireless research and development, in 2021, Bolarinwa and her team achieved a significant breakthrough. They successfully created a working prototype of a smart bra embedded with sensors capable of scanning the breast tissue for abnormalities. This innovative device has the potential to detect breast cancer at its earliest stages, empowering individuals with the knowledge they need to seek timely medical intervention and significantly improving treatment outcomes.

Beyond her revolutionary work in healthcare technology, Bolarinwa is also the founder of Nextwear Technologies, the first wearable technology startup in Nigeria. Through her company, she is dedicated to designing and developing wearable technologies that address critical health-related challenges. Her visionary leadership and entrepreneurial spirit have positioned her as a prominent figure in the Nigerian tech ecosystem.

In addition to her groundbreaking inventions, Bolarinwa serves as the president of the Women In ICT Foundation, a nonprofit organization focused on providing technology education, leadership opportunities, and support for women and young girls in STEM fields. Through this foundation, she aims to bridge the gender gap in STEM and empower women to pursue careers in science and technology.

Kemisola Bolarinwa’s impact extends far beyond her impressive achievements. She has become an inspiration and role model for aspiring engineers, particularly women in STEM fields. Her dedication, ingenuity, and unwavering belief in the power of technology to transform lives serve as a testament to her remarkable character.

In May, 2023, Kemisola Bolarinwa, experienced a momentous occasion in her remarkable career as she was inducted into the prestigious Nigerian Women First Achievers Hall of Fame. The ceremony took place on May 16, 2023, and celebrated the achievements of exceptional women who have made significant contributions in their respective fields. For Bolarinwa, this recognition was not only a proud moment but also a realization of her dreams.

Bolarinwa’s picture now stands alongside those of legendary women in Nigeria, forever etching her name in the country’s history. Coming from Ekiti State, Nigeria, Bolarinwa expressed her gratitude and astonishment at her inclusion, as she is not the daughter of a politician or a business mogul. She is simply a girl who has always believed in her dreams.

Bolarinwa has written her name among the profiles of women she has long admired and looked up to as role models. One of these exceptional women is Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, the first female and African Director General of The World Bank. Another is Mrs. Amina J. Mohammed, who holds the distinction of being the first female to serve as Deputy Director General of the United Nations, Mrs. Funke Opeke of MainOne, an Equinix Company, who became the first female to lead the West African region’s first private and largest Tier III Data Center. Kofo Akinkugbe OON of SecureID Limited, the first female and Nigerian to own a sim card production line, also shared this prestigious recognition.

Dr. Eleanor Ann Nwadinobi, the first Nigerian woman to be elected as president of the International Medical Women Association, and Adejoke Orelope-Adefulire, the Senior Special Assistant to the President on SDGs, were additional remarkable women whose achievements were celebrated alongside Bolarinwa’s induction. AIG Aishatu Abubakar, the Assistance Inspector General of Police and the first female monitor General at the Nigeria Police Force, also joined the esteemed group.

Looking into the future, we can only imagine the countless lives that will be saved and improved thanks to Kemisola Bolarinwa’s groundbreaking contributions to healthcare technology. Her innovative spirit and commitment to making a positive impact on society have firmly established her as a true pioneer in her field.

In a world where technological advancements are shaping our future, Kemisola Bolarinwa stands at the forefront, leading the charge towards a brighter and healthier tomorrow. Through her remarkable achievements, she has proven that with passion, perseverance, and a relentless pursuit of innovation, anything is possible.


Joseph Omoniyi
