Collins Abinoro Akporode is an astute Nigerian sculptor whose artistry has brought forth his notable and captivating expression and depiction of emotions, natural elements, and forms while embedding and conveying life messages. His prolific art of using stainless steel cutlery, fiberglass and bronze to embody his imaginative and visualized works is not limited to the borders of Africa.

His educational background tells of his distinction as an alumnus of the Auchi School of Art, Auchi Polytechnic, Auchi, Edo State, Nigeria. His works are recognized and distinctive, having been exhibited in Nigeria and the United Arab Emirates. His ingenuity transcends sculpture; he is also a versatile painter.
Being a young mind, his artistic prowess and vision shine dignifiedly in the means he uses to express his art. He projects his art by recreating cutleries into human forms and animals like birds. He believes that birds symbolize freedom, and freedom is an important part of creativity.

Like many talented individuals, Collins Abinoro had to believe in his art and pursue it. Though there were preconceived notions about artists and their ability to have financial capacity, he didn’t allow this perspective to outweigh his talent and ambition.
The subject matter of his art usually revolves around social and life issues, natural phenomena which are discussed through beautiful and captivating forms. He ensures that his art retains and conveys messages while also inspiring many.

Born in 1984, Collins has become renowned through his art. He’s studio; Art by Collins is situated in the city of Lagos. He is married to Faith Abinoro.