Here’s Congresswoman Cori Bush: The First Black Woman To Represent Missouri Politics, Nursing, and Activism

Congresswoman Cori Bush embodies the epitome of multifaceted leadership, blending her roles as a registered nurse, community activist, organizer, single mother, and ordained pastor to serve as a beacon of hope and change for the people of Missouri’s First Congressional District. As the first Black woman and nurse to represent Missouri, the first woman to represent Missouri’s First Congressional District, and the inaugural activist from the movement to save Black lives elected to the United States Congress, Cori Bush’s journey is a testament to resilience, determination, and unwavering commitment to justice.

Cori’s trajectory towards public service trace back to her formative years at Cardinal Ritter High School in North St. Louis City, where her aspirations of becoming a nurse took root. Fuelled by a desire to make a difference in her community, she pursued her nursing education at Harris-Stowe State University and the Lutheran School of Nursing while concurrently cultivating her spiritual calling as an ordained pastor. The catalyst for Cori’s emergence as a prominent activist and leader came in the wake of the tragic killing of Michael Brown Jr. in 2014. For over 400 days, she stood on the frontlines of the Ferguson protests, not only as a vocal advocate for justice but also as a compassionate caregiver, providing medical aid and resources to those in need amidst the turmoil.

Transitioning from activism to policymaking, Cori’s inaugural term in Congress has been marked by bold legislative initiatives aimed at addressing systemic injustices. From spearheading efforts to guarantee housing for all by 2025 to advocating for an extension of the eviction moratorium during the pandemic, she has prioritized the pressing needs of her constituents, securing substantial COVID-19 relief funding for the St. Louis region and championing environmental cleanup initiatives such as the cleanup of Coldwater Creek.

As a member of both the House Oversight Committee and the House Judiciary Committee, Cori has leveraged her platform to advocate for rigorous oversight of corporate entities, police reform, and the protection of protester rights. Her signature phrase, “St. Louis and I,” resonates as a reminder of her unwavering dedication to representing the interests of her constituents on the national stage.

Moreover, Cori’s commitment to human rights and poverty alleviation is exemplified by her appointment to the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission and her role as Vice Chair of the Majority Leader Task Force on Poverty and Opportunity, underscoring her comprehensive approach to tackling societal challenges. Congresswoman Cori Bush’s transformative leadership transcends conventional boundaries, embodying the intersectionality of activism, nursing, and politics. Her indomitable spirit and advocacy continue to inspire change, making her a trailblazer for future generations of leaders committed to social justice and equality.
