Lekan Olawoye: Championing Black Professionals in Tech and Leading the Charge for Inclusive AI

Before founding BPTN, Lekan Olawoye made significant strides in the realm of talent development and social advocacy. He served as the Lead Executive of Talent Development at MaRS Discovery District, a Toronto-based innovation hub. At MaRS, Lekan was instrumental in guiding professionals through the evolving landscape of fast-growing companies, equipping them with skills to excel in the future of work.

Earlier in his career, Olawoye held the position of Executive Director at For Youth Initiative (FYI), a Toronto-based organization dedicated to supporting at-risk youth. Under his leadership, FYI expanded its programs, growing into a formidable institution that now serves 1,000 young people each year. Olawoye’s strategic development and ability to build relationships with government funders and private donors resulted in a quadrupling of the organization’s budget. His efforts at FYI showcased his capacity for transformational leadership, scaling impact while driving sustainable growth. In 2014, Olawoye’s expertise in youth advocacy was recognized when he was appointed Chair of Ontario’s Premier’s Council on Youth Opportunities, a body focused on shaping policies that improve the lives of young people. His advocacy efforts continued with his involvement in Ontario’s Income Security Reform Working Group in 2017, which addressed systemic economic inequities.

As the founder and CEO of BPTN, Olawoye has made it his mission to create pathways for Black professionals to thrive in the tech industry. BPTN’s goal is to disrupt the traditional network gap that has historically left Black talent on the margins of major tech companies. Through its events, mentorship programs, and networking platforms, BPTN empowers Black professionals to access career development opportunities, build connections, and secure leadership roles. Lekan’s latest innovation, the Obsidi® Academy, is an initiative that addresses the underrepresentation of Black professionals in tech, particularly within the field of artificial intelligence (AI). This transformative bootcamp provides participants with industry-leading training, positioning them to excel from day one in tech roles. Obsidi Academy’s mission is bold: to train and hire 10,000 new Black software developers over the next decade, contributing to the responsible development of AI.

In recent years, Olawoye has shifted his focus to the intersection of technology, ethics, and diversity. As AI continues to shape the future, Olawoye emphasizes the importance of diverse perspectives in AI development. In October 2023, BPTN convened over 20 Chief Information Officers (CIOs) and senior tech executives to discuss responsible AI development. The roundtable discussions underscored a vital consensus: reducing racism in AI starts with diverse talent at the center of AI implementation. “AI reflects the people that built it. We must avoid institutionalizing racism in AI through integrating a diversity of thought. Having diverse developers building and contributing to such technological innovations is key to avoiding rolling back some of our societal progress,” Lekan stated during the discussions.

The work of BPTN in this regard is critical, as AI is increasingly used in decision-making processes across various sectors. Lekan’s push for a diverse workforce in tech aims to ensure that AI systems are developed in ways that avoid biases and reflect a broad range of human experiences.

Beyond the tech world, Olawoye is a committed civic leader. He serves on the TELUS Community Board and co-chairs the board of the Toronto Community Benefits Network, a coalition that promotes economic inclusion and equitable development. His experience working on youth policy, income security reform, and community development positions him as a trusted advisor and speaker on critical issues affecting both the tech industry and the broader society. Olawoye’s grounded and informed insights have made him a sought-after speaker and panelist. His perspectives have been featured in several major publications, including The Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, TechCrunch, and Yahoo! News. As an adjunct lecturer at York University’s School of Social Work, he continues to impart knowledge to the next generation of social advocates and change-makers.

Lekan Olawoye holds a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) from Ryerson University and a Master’s in Social Work (MSW) from the University of Toronto, where he specialized in non-profit management. His academic background in social work is reflected in his approach to leadership, emphasizing community, equity, and systemic change. Throughout his career, he has volunteered with several organizations, including the Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants (OCASI), the Telus Foundation, and the Ontario Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services.


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