Francine Munyaneza And Munyax Eco: Illuminating East Africa with Clean and Affordable Energy

In the sun-drenched planes of East Africa, where energy access is often limited, one woman’s vision is shining a light on a brighter, more sustainable future. Meet Francine Munyaneza, the founder and driving force behind MUNYAX ECO, a solar power business dedicated to creating access to clean and affordable energy across Rwanda, Burundi, and soon in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

With a master’s degree in business administration and 15 years of experience traversing the globe, Francine Munyaneza’s journey has been one of resilience, determination, and unwavering commitment to positive impact. Having managed operations in international private organizations and later in the humanitarian sector, Francine’s accumulated expertise and global perspective uniquely positioned her to address one of the region’s most pressing challenges – energy access. Munyax Eco’s holistic approach to energy access encompasses a wide range of solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of communities across East Africa. From solar water heaters and photovoltaic systems to solar cold chain solutions and mini-grids, Munyax Eco designs, installs, and commissions cutting-edge solar technologies that empower communities, improve livelihoods, and protect the environment.

In 2013, inspired by her own experiences growing up without reliable access to electricity, and fueled by a deep concern for the environment, Francine returned to Rwanda to establish Munyax Eco, an impact-focused solar energy company. Since its inception, Munyax Eco has been on a mission to empower communities, reduce carbon emissions, and create economic opportunities through clean energy solutions. Through Munyax Eco’s endeavors, Francine has positively impacted nearly one million beneficiaries, reduced carbon emissions by over 5,000 tons annually, and importantly, created 30 permanent jobs and over 100 temporary jobs. Notably, the majority of Munyax Eco’s staff and beneficiaries are women, reflecting Francine’s commitment to promoting gender equality and youth participation in the renewable energy sector.

Born and raised partly in Europe, then later returning to Rwanda and growing up as a refugee in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Francine understands firsthand the challenges of energy access in underserved communities. Her globetrotting experiences across Africa, the Middle East, and Asia further reinforced her commitment to addressing these challenges while tackling the urgent issue of climate change. Driven by her passion for social impact and environmental sustainability, Francine made the bold decision to resign from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), leveraging her savings to embark on her entrepreneurial journey with Munyax Eco. Today, her vision and leadership are transforming lives, communities, and landscapes, one solar panel at a time.

As Munyax Eco continues to expand its footprint across East Africa and beyond, Francine Munyaneza remains steadfast in her dedication to building a brighter, more sustainable future for generations to come. Through her innovative solutions, tireless advocacy, and unwavering commitment to positive change, she is illuminating the path towards a more equitable, resilient, and sustainable energy future for all.
