Instead of Dumping Waste on the Seas, Kenya’s Mohdhar Mohamed Is Turning To AquaFertilization

Mohdhar Mohamed, born and raised in Mombasa, Kenya, founded Morganics and Allied Ltd in 2021, a company that converts seaweed into organic fertiliser, providing farmers with an affordable and sustainable option. Drawing inspiration from the abundance of seaweed in the surrounding ocean waters, Mohdhar saw an opportunity to transform this natural resource into a product that benefits both farmers and the environment.

Starting Morganics wasn’t easy. Mohdhar, alongside his three sons, initially handled every aspect of the business manually. From harvesting seaweed to processing, storing, and packaging, the challenges were significant. However, with support from the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA), they overcame these hurdles and grew the business. Today, Mohdhar employs five permanent workers and hires additional labour when needed. He is also in talks with a local women’s group to train them in seaweed harvesting, providing more people with an opportunity to earn a living.

The venture was initially funded by Mohdhar’s personal savings, along with some contributions from family. Despite having no prior business experience, he managed to navigate the complexities of legalities and bookkeeping, steadily developing the company. Morganics now offers a key product, Morganics Liquid Seaweed Fertiliser, and plans to launch a seaweed concentrate soon.

The production process begins with selecting fresh seaweed, which is then cleaned, chopped, and stored in water-filled containers. The seaweed undergoes fermentation for 30 to 45 days, with regular checks for quality control. Currently, the operation has the capacity to produce up to five tonnes of fertiliser per month, fulfilling orders as they come in. The liquid fertiliser is packaged in one-litre and five-litre containers, priced at $5.6 and $24.8, respectively.

Seaweed has long been used to promote plant growth, offering benefits beyond conventional fertilisers. Morganics Liquid Seaweed Fertiliser strengthens plants, helping them withstand environmental stressors like drought, salinity, pests, and diseases. The product is non-toxic, safe for humans and pollinators, and provides excellent coverage at an affordable price.

As a marine conservationist, Mohdhar is committed to ethical harvesting practices. His team only collects seaweed left by high tides, ensuring they protect marine life while also cleaning up local shorelines. With organic farming gaining momentum, Mohdhar expects demand for his products to rise, prompting plans to expand his operations. He also sees potential in the use of seaweed in other industries, such as cosmetics and food.

For aspiring entrepreneurs, Mohdhar advises persistence, having started his journey over four years ago with the belief of helping “one farmer at a time.” He encourages others to set small targets, avoid direct competition, and focus on building a trusted brand. Looking ahead, Mohdhar remains committed to promoting organic farming, expanding his product range and production capacity, and continuing to support his community.


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